profile picture of Jordi Smit

Jordi Smit

Machine Learning Engineer

Hi! My name is Jordi Smit. I’m deeply passionate about software engineering, data science, and automation. Nothing makes me happier than developing software that automates tedious, labor-intensive tasks. People’s reactions when they learn they no longer have to do that one annoying and repetitive thing is priceless. With the recent improvements in Machine Learning and AI, much more has become possible. I’m excited to see which doors this will open next for us.

Currently, I work as a Machine Learning Engineer at Xebia Data (formerly known as GoDataDriven) in Amsterdam. At Xebia Data, I assist companies in turning their ML models into production-ready applications. I love this job because it allows me to explore the intersection between software engineering and data science daily.

Furthermore, nothing is more satisfying for me than creating new things with the latest technologies. I also believe that the best way to test if you understand these technologies is to teach them. Therefore, this website aims to share my experience with these technologies, hoping it might help someone in the future. If this website has helped you, feel free to reach out through any of my social media platforms!